Guest from the Future

Guest from the Future Russian , Gostya iz budushchevo is a fivepart Soviet television miniseries, made at Gorky Film Studio, first aired in 1985. It is based on the novel One Hundred Years Ahead by Kir Bulychov.

Two schoolboys, Kolya and Fima, follow a mysterious strange lady to an abandoned house. When they enter the house, they find no trace of the stranger, but in the empty basement Kolya discovers a secret door that leads to a room with a technical device in it. Curious Kolya starts pressing some buttons and activates the device that transfers him to another place. We learn that this place is the institute for temporal research. Employees return from time travels to different periods and deliver artifacts that are inventoried by Werther, an android who holds a secret crush on the stranger whose name is Polina. Kolya sneaks around in the corridors but is ultimatively caught by Werther who starts inventorying Kolya as well, assuming that he was brought in by Polina. On this occasion Kolya learns that he has actually travelled through time into the late 21st century. Werther ponders putting Kolya in the museum but then decides to send him back in time in order to cover up what he thinks to be Polinas mistake. Kolya convinces him to let him catch some sights of the future first. On his exploration, Kolya learns about teletransportation, humanoid aliens, antigravity and space flight. He also makes contact with a grandpa Pavel, a 130yearold man who is intrigued by his 1980s school uniform.Having reached the space port, Kolya unsuccessfully tries to get a ticket for an interplanetary flight. However, by joining a group of pupils who escort their project satellite to the launch, he manages to enter the transit area. There he witnesses how two service workers are stunned and then impersonated by two shapeshifting aliens that have emerged from a crate. Back in the waiting hall, Kolya meets grandpa Pavel again who turns out to be Polinas future fatherinlaw and tells about what he just saw, but the old man dismisses it as childs fantasies. Grandpa Pavel introduces Kolya to Prof. Seleznyov, director of the interplanetary zoo. Kolya spots the shapeshifters again. They lure grandpa P

Source: Wikipedia